In the spirit of Elul, join us for a special night to sing songs and nigunim that will help us prepare for the coming High Holidays. Like a typical nigun circle, each song is sung many times as we build up through our voices and rest in moments of silence. No matter your experience singing, you are welcome.
Venue: neighborhood home in South Decatur/Oakhurst
7:15 ~ Arrive and settle
7:30 ~ Singing Circle
9:00 ~ Schmooze, snack, and enjoy the evening with friends old and new.
About Nigun Collective
Nigun Collective is a lay-led group that gatherings once a month to sing nigunim — soulful, wordless melodies from new and old Jewish tradition — in a neighborhood home. No matter your experience singing, you are welcome. Each nigun is sung many times as we build up through our voices and rest in moments of silence. Together we derive spiritual meaning from our song and enjoy the beautiful sound of our voices weaving together.