Through music and fire, come mark the 33rd day of the Omer, our seven week journey towards revelation at Mount Sinai. In the light of the flames we will learn deep teachings of this holiday through stories, songs and holy ritual, tending the fire of the Atlanta Jewish community.
Doors open 7:30, Music at 8:00. Featuring local musicians and teachers: Ori Salzburg, Rabbi Sam Blustin, Gayanne Guerin, Kyra Goldman, Rabbi Ariel Root Wolpe, and storytelling by McKenzie Wren .
Lag Ba’Omer is a mystical holiday connected to the counting of the Omer, a Kabbalist practice which marks the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot. This period invites us to explore the building blocks of life, like lovingkindness, strength, and harmony, and reflect on how they manifest in our own worlds. And it is a time to gather our wider communities together as we recount our ancestors moving out of bondage and learning to live as a free, interconnected people.
Tickets are $18. Student tickets are $10. No one turned away for lack of funds. People of all backgrounds and identities are welcome.
Register here
Cosponsored by Neranenah and Congregations Bet Haverim, Shearith Israel, and Ahavath Achim.
Congregation Shearith Israel will be hosting a food truck! Food may be purchased in advance here for $18/adult and $10/kid. If there is extra food day of, it will be available for $28/adult and $18/kid.