What is a life well-lived, and how do we achieve such a thing? While we dare not offer others a set of prescribed answers, engaging the question itself with others can be a worthy, meaningful, and provocative experience. Together, we will explore some of life’s big questions, exploring perspectives from Jewish tradition on spiritual practices for real life. Gratitude, spirituality, divinity, resistance, redemption — these themes offer a glimpse into the conversations shared in this Circle.
Please join Ma'alot for a 6-week closed Torah Study journey where we will explore Spiritual Practices for Real Life.
April 6 @2pm-4pm
April 20 @2pm-4pm
April 27th @2pm-4pm
May 4th @2pm-4pm
May 11th @2pm-4pm
May 25th @2pm-4pm
This cohort will be led by Ava Shaevel, a Pardes Institute Pioneer Torah facilitator. This learning group is made possible by The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies with learning content provided by IYUN, a community of Torah lovers and educators that curate Torah study materials for an eclectic group of Torah-lovers alike. No prior experience with Torah learning is necessary — just a willingness to learn and engage with the text!
Learning style - We will do chevruta (partner) studying of text, as well as group learning, with lots of room for conversation and deep - dive explorations into the rich interpretations of the text. It will make for a very powerful space.
The syllabus for the six-classes will be sent out upon registration!
In order to create a dedicated learning environment, we ask that you do your best to attend all 6 sessions.
Looking forward to diving into the texts together!
Want more info before registering? Please reach out to Ava at avashaevel@gmail.com with any questions!